Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Welcome to the Pet Shop


Every morning when Maeson wakes up, he opens up his pet shop.  Some days nobody buys anything, but he ALWAYS opens it and tells us (yells out) “THE PET SHOP IS NOW OPEN!”  so I thought I’d share one of my many great experiences at the Pet Shop..kind of like you would on Yelp.

He got this idea after a day of playing with his creative cousins Jazzy and Kaylee, and when we got home that night he said he needed to make a sign for HIS pet shop.  So he did and it’s sooo cute….

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So this is how it works, I tell him I need to buy a new pet, so he tells me to wait at “home” (the living room) while he cleans up the shop and he will tell me when he’s ready.  So he runs into his room, closes the door and starts cleaning.  If you break the rules and sneak over to listen by the door you will hear him sweeping, “swish, swish, swish.”  So then when he’s done he will tell you “THE PET SHOP IS READY!” Then I go, I knock on the door, he says “we’re open.”  I walk in…

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“Hello, welcome to the pet shop…is this your first time here?”

It’s always my first time there.

“Yes, it is…what kind of pets do you have available?”

“Well…we have a lot of different kinds, you can take a look.”

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“We also have an aquarium…” *Maeson waves in the direction of the aquarium”

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I carefully inspect each animal and then tell him what I am interested in…today I wanted a bear, a unicorn and a puppy.  He told me there were 3 dogs but only 1 was a puppy, I chose him.  After my selection I have to pay him.  2 gold coins for the big ones, 1 gold coin for the puppy. 

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Maeson hands the money to his assistant, Doc McStuffins, and she puts it in the register.

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(Side Note: it is SO cute to me that Doc is one of his most cherished/loved items.  When I first bought her I hid her in my backpack and asked Maeson to get a paper out for me so he would be surprised.  When he found her in there he was SO excited, he picked her up and then just tackled me into a hug and started kissing me all over my face…he didn’t even say anything he was just hugging and kissing me.)

Okay, moving on…

“Would you like to pick a name for them?  They need names because I have to put it in the computer”

Of course I do! So I tell him the names and he starts up his laptop (which doesn’t even have batteries in it) and gets to work.  On this particular day he said he was having some issues and had to ‘reenter his password.’  So he’s talking while he’s doing this, "oh, something’s wrong..okay…back space…gotta hit the spider button. Ugh..I just have to reenter my password.” (he looks like this >>Thinking smile)

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So he types the names in for me, I chose Button, Freckles and Curly.  THEN, he writes them on a paper for me to keep so I don’t forget their names.  I don’t help him spell the names I just tell him however he wants to spell them will work for me.

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Before I leave he says, “WAIT … don’t forget their food and water!  Since you have 3 different kinds of animals you have to get the food that says ‘MAESON 3’ on it…Maeson is spelled M-A-E-S-O-N and then the number 3…does this one say that? ….oh, good it does. Here you go.”

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I say Thank you, I’ll take really good care of the animals.  He says, “Thanks, make sure you visit again soon.”  We shake hands and I leave. 

Of course before bed every night he flips his sign over so it says CLOSED.

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I would definitely give this Pet Shop a 5 STAR rating !  Feel free to come visit anytime! And don’t worry – Maeson provides the gold coins =)


  1. This is the best pet shop with the cutest owner I've ever seen!! I love that he has an aquarium, that there aren't batteries in his laptop, and that he "closes" the store each night. Most of all, I love seeing how the two of you interact together. That is truly a thing of beauty!

    1. Aunt Mel, I told Maeson you guys saw this and loved it and he said ... "and they wish they cold come to buy a pet?" I told him , 'yep, they sure do!'

  2. OMG I seriously love this post! Too freaking adorable! I want to come to his Pet Shop! I love how Doc is his definitely have a future either pet shop owner or vet on your hands! This post made my day!

    1. Thanks Nicole! you guys can come to the pet shop anytime! =)

  3. this is the cutest thing ever!!!! LOVE IT!

  4. This is the CUTEST thing I've ever seen!!!!! He's so stinkin cute!! I bet everyday is so much fun in your house with him!

    1. It really is, he is sooo precious I can't stand it! It's so hard to get homework done when he's asking me to play with him =( I always just end up doing homework after he goes to bed !
