Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Welcome to the Pet Shop


Every morning when Maeson wakes up, he opens up his pet shop.  Some days nobody buys anything, but he ALWAYS opens it and tells us (yells out) “THE PET SHOP IS NOW OPEN!”  so I thought I’d share one of my many great experiences at the Pet Shop..kind of like you would on Yelp.

He got this idea after a day of playing with his creative cousins Jazzy and Kaylee, and when we got home that night he said he needed to make a sign for HIS pet shop.  So he did and it’s sooo cute….

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So this is how it works, I tell him I need to buy a new pet, so he tells me to wait at “home” (the living room) while he cleans up the shop and he will tell me when he’s ready.  So he runs into his room, closes the door and starts cleaning.  If you break the rules and sneak over to listen by the door you will hear him sweeping, “swish, swish, swish.”  So then when he’s done he will tell you “THE PET SHOP IS READY!” Then I go, I knock on the door, he says “we’re open.”  I walk in…

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“Hello, welcome to the pet shop…is this your first time here?”

It’s always my first time there.

“Yes, it is…what kind of pets do you have available?”

“Well…we have a lot of different kinds, you can take a look.”

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“We also have an aquarium…” *Maeson waves in the direction of the aquarium”

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I carefully inspect each animal and then tell him what I am interested in…today I wanted a bear, a unicorn and a puppy.  He told me there were 3 dogs but only 1 was a puppy, I chose him.  After my selection I have to pay him.  2 gold coins for the big ones, 1 gold coin for the puppy. 

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Maeson hands the money to his assistant, Doc McStuffins, and she puts it in the register.

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(Side Note: it is SO cute to me that Doc is one of his most cherished/loved items.  When I first bought her I hid her in my backpack and asked Maeson to get a paper out for me so he would be surprised.  When he found her in there he was SO excited, he picked her up and then just tackled me into a hug and started kissing me all over my face…he didn’t even say anything he was just hugging and kissing me.)

Okay, moving on…

“Would you like to pick a name for them?  They need names because I have to put it in the computer”

Of course I do! So I tell him the names and he starts up his laptop (which doesn’t even have batteries in it) and gets to work.  On this particular day he said he was having some issues and had to ‘reenter his password.’  So he’s talking while he’s doing this, "oh, something’s wrong..okay…back space…gotta hit the spider button. Ugh..I just have to reenter my password.” (he looks like this >>Thinking smile)

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So he types the names in for me, I chose Button, Freckles and Curly.  THEN, he writes them on a paper for me to keep so I don’t forget their names.  I don’t help him spell the names I just tell him however he wants to spell them will work for me.

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Before I leave he says, “WAIT … don’t forget their food and water!  Since you have 3 different kinds of animals you have to get the food that says ‘MAESON 3’ on it…Maeson is spelled M-A-E-S-O-N and then the number 3…does this one say that? ….oh, good it does. Here you go.”

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I say Thank you, I’ll take really good care of the animals.  He says, “Thanks, make sure you visit again soon.”  We shake hands and I leave. 

Of course before bed every night he flips his sign over so it says CLOSED.

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I would definitely give this Pet Shop a 5 STAR rating !  Feel free to come visit anytime! And don’t worry – Maeson provides the gold coins =)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Valentine’s Day pt.2 / 52 Things I Love About You (LEGO edition)

So I decided to do the ‘52 things I love about you’ Valentine’s gift for Richie.  It’s quite simple, you just get a deck of cards, make a list of things you love, write one thing you love on each card with a sharpie, use a binder clippy thingy to hook them together or just give them in the box, whatever you prefer/have on hand.  So, that was my plan, I decided to start it the day before Valentine’s day because 1. I’m a procrastinator and 2. I didn’t think it would take very long.
So that night when I got home, I helped Maeson make a Valentine’s card for Daddy.  He has several Lego sticker books, some minifigure ones, a Ninjago one and a Star Wars one.  Most of the stickers are for filling in the pages of the book but at the end of each one there are lots of pages of EXTRA STICKERS!!!  So, I told Maeson we could use some for his card for Daddy.  When I got them out, I noticed the minifigure books had lots of random LEGO characters that totally went with a lot of the things on my list.  So of course I asked Maeson if I could use some of his stickers and he said yes =)

Maeson picked the snowboarder because it totally looked like Daddy.
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Maeson chose the Dragon because Daddy always eats his food super hot and I call him a dragon. So cute that he thinks of those things when he’s choosing.
So, back to my present…it WAS a simple thing, until I decided to add the stickers.  They were almost the same size as the playing cards so I had to put the stickers on first and then write the words wherever they would fit.  AND, of course I saw a lot of perfect stickers right away ..but then I had about 30 other cards that I had to be creative with.  I didn’t finish until approximately 5:30 am and only slept about 2 hours before waking up and being a zombie all day on Valentine’s day.  Another thing that made it take so long is the fact that I had too long of a list, when I started the list I was thinking it might be hard to come up with 52 things (that sounds bad, I just thought I wouldn’t be able to think under pressure).  However, I ended up having a lot more than 52 so I was using the sticker compatibility to narrow down my choices.  Here is a sample of some of my favorite ones! 
(I think the Keurig one might be my very favorite, but it’s hard to choose)
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When I finally finished, I filled up a candy jar with Kit Kats and Hershey Kisses and hooked the deck on there.  Below is how our table looked in the morning.  Richie and Maeson got me a perfume set and those gorgeous roses.
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I’m pretty sure Richie loved the gift, so it was worth getting nearly no sleep.  I absolutely love my new perfume and of course the new vase and beautiful flowers.  Richie had school and I had work but when I got home from work the 3 of us ate a yummy meal prepared by my sweet love =).  Unfortunately I failed to take a group picture of us/a couple picture/pictures of our yummy dinner.  So instead just take my word on the dinner, and enjoy this picture we took last night while out celebrating a friends birthday…
we were very bright
I just love him so much. <3

Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine’s Day, Pt. 1


Since Maeson is in preschool this year we got to make Valentine’s cards for all of his friends/classmates….YAY =) !  I decided to start them 2 weeks in advance because he was responsible for writing on all of them and I had a feeling he wouldn’t want to do 15 cards all in one sitting (surprisingly he did 12 in the first sitting so only had a few left to do the next time).  Maeson chose Angry Birds cards and was very specific about who should get what card/sticker, and of course he wrote Mariah's first (his preschool girlfriend.. so cute!).

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Next on the list was to fill the goodie bags with the stuff Maeson picked from the Dollar Tree (pencils, erasers, lollipops, Spiderman candies for the boys [Maeson said we HAD to get Spiderman because one of his friends in class loves him] and Disney princess candies for the girls).  When the time came to do this, Maeson didn’t want to at first, but once we started he was having the time of his life.

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Maeson is trying to pretend like he’s not having any fun…but then I caught him like this…

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and when I showed him he BEGGED me to erase it, because he really “isn’t having fun.”


Even though I started all of this early in order to not have to do anything last minute, we didn’t start the teachers gifts until about 9pm the night before Valentine’s day…oops.

So for his teachers we decided to do the ever-so-trendy bake your words on a mug project.  You know the one, use permanent markers to decorate the cup and and then bake it in the oven (I did it for an hour at 300) and it’s supposed to be okay for using/washing/microwaving.  Well, I followed the directions I found online but I’m pretty sure those words are gonna wash off the first time they meet water =(.  However, they looked cute, the teachers LOVED them, and most importantly, Maeson was super proud of himself.

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The teachers have a Keurig in the classroom so I had a last minute idea to throw a little K-Cup into each of their cups.  It was the perfect little filler.

I am lucky enough to help out in Maeson’s class on Thursdays so I was super excited that Valentine’s day was on a Thursday this year!  I arrived in his class just in time for his turn to put the stuff he brought into everyone else’s little paper plate envelopes

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Since it was Valentine’s Day the kids spent the last hour of the day having some treats and watching a Winnie The Pooh Valentine’s movie, of course Maeson sat with with his preschool girlfriend, and she asked me to take a picture of them, she even put her arm around was so cute!

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soooo much precious in this one

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Maeson said he wants to wear his “Chicks Love Me” shirt for a week

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of course as soon as we got home he dumped out all his goodies for inspection

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Maeson was quite satisfied with his goodies and it was so fun to read all the cards with him.  He is just the sweetest boy ever.  Stay tuned for Valentine’s Day pt. 2 and I’ll tell you about my gift for Richie (52 things I love about you, LEGO edition). Hopefully I’ll have it up sometime this weekend =)

We hope you all had a great day as well!