Sunday, February 17, 2013

Valentine’s Day pt.2 / 52 Things I Love About You (LEGO edition)

So I decided to do the ‘52 things I love about you’ Valentine’s gift for Richie.  It’s quite simple, you just get a deck of cards, make a list of things you love, write one thing you love on each card with a sharpie, use a binder clippy thingy to hook them together or just give them in the box, whatever you prefer/have on hand.  So, that was my plan, I decided to start it the day before Valentine’s day because 1. I’m a procrastinator and 2. I didn’t think it would take very long.
So that night when I got home, I helped Maeson make a Valentine’s card for Daddy.  He has several Lego sticker books, some minifigure ones, a Ninjago one and a Star Wars one.  Most of the stickers are for filling in the pages of the book but at the end of each one there are lots of pages of EXTRA STICKERS!!!  So, I told Maeson we could use some for his card for Daddy.  When I got them out, I noticed the minifigure books had lots of random LEGO characters that totally went with a lot of the things on my list.  So of course I asked Maeson if I could use some of his stickers and he said yes =)

Maeson picked the snowboarder because it totally looked like Daddy.
2013-02-17 001 2013-02-17 004
Maeson chose the Dragon because Daddy always eats his food super hot and I call him a dragon. So cute that he thinks of those things when he’s choosing.
So, back to my present…it WAS a simple thing, until I decided to add the stickers.  They were almost the same size as the playing cards so I had to put the stickers on first and then write the words wherever they would fit.  AND, of course I saw a lot of perfect stickers right away ..but then I had about 30 other cards that I had to be creative with.  I didn’t finish until approximately 5:30 am and only slept about 2 hours before waking up and being a zombie all day on Valentine’s day.  Another thing that made it take so long is the fact that I had too long of a list, when I started the list I was thinking it might be hard to come up with 52 things (that sounds bad, I just thought I wouldn’t be able to think under pressure).  However, I ended up having a lot more than 52 so I was using the sticker compatibility to narrow down my choices.  Here is a sample of some of my favorite ones! 
(I think the Keurig one might be my very favorite, but it’s hard to choose)
2013-02-15 14.28.072013-02-15 14.28.272013-02-15 14.29.122013-02-15 14.29.312013-02-15 14.29.522013-02-15 15.07.022013-02-15 15.07.322013-02-15 15.08.422013-02-15 15.19.542013-02-15 15.23.192013-02-15 15.20.362013-02-15 15.21.062013-02-15 15.42.382013-02-15 15.11.492013-02-15 15.12.192013-02-15 15.52.382013-02-15 15.53.112013-02-15 15.53.47
When I finally finished, I filled up a candy jar with Kit Kats and Hershey Kisses and hooked the deck on there.  Below is how our table looked in the morning.  Richie and Maeson got me a perfume set and those gorgeous roses.
2013-02-14 07.24.41
I’m pretty sure Richie loved the gift, so it was worth getting nearly no sleep.  I absolutely love my new perfume and of course the new vase and beautiful flowers.  Richie had school and I had work but when I got home from work the 3 of us ate a yummy meal prepared by my sweet love =).  Unfortunately I failed to take a group picture of us/a couple picture/pictures of our yummy dinner.  So instead just take my word on the dinner, and enjoy this picture we took last night while out celebrating a friends birthday…
we were very bright
I just love him so much. <3


  1. So sweet! I *started* the same project for Ryan do our last years anniversary..I never finished but I think it was cute how you used Maeson's stickers! Looks like you had a great valentines day!

  2. SO SWEET!!! I absolutely love your gift. The LEGO stickers really made it all the more cuter too!
